Case Study 4 – North Yorkshire

Geo Environmental Drilling Ltd completed a detailed assessment of a former industrial site within North Yorkshire. The development area was a former agricultural machinery dealer with servicing and repair facilities. The site included both above ground and below ground fuel storage tanks with the building also including service/maintenance pits.

The site is proposed for a mixed commercial and residential end use, with a small supermarket and three residential properties (3 link houses) with general areas of soft landscaping, private gardens and vehicle parking.

The site was in a potentially sensitive area with shallow groundwater, nearby surface water features (Major River) and surrounding residential properties, so it was imperative that a detailed and accurate assessment was made.

Following the results of a detailed Site Reconnaissance Survey and a Phase 1: Desk Top Study Report the Phase 2 Ground Investigation works were designed to target the known sources of potential contamination (i.e. above ground and below ground fuel storage tanks) whilst providing an even site coverage to reduce the risk of undiscovered “hot spots” being present during the construction phase and to complete a Human Health and Controlled Waters Risk Assessment.

Dynamic Sampling Boreholes were drilled across the site prior to demolition of the existing buildings and hardstanding, with a watching brief to be implemented during the construction phase. Ground gas and water monitoring wells were installed with a period of monitoring being completed.