Geo Environmental Engineering specialises in dynamic sampling with windowless and window sampling rigs, with dynamic probe and diamond coring capabilities detailed below:
Windowless sampling (soil samples are recovered in plastic liners) up to 10 metres depth can be achieved using a tracked Dart/Competitor style rig.
Dynamic probing up to 20 metres deep to BS1377:1990.
SPT’s (Soil penetration testing using open drive shoe) & SPT(C) (Solid Cone) for sand/gravel strata.
Hand Held sampling for low head room or confined areas where access for the tracked rig is not possible using a hydraulic hammer to drive the samples into the strata.
Concrete coring off the rig for drilling on hard standing.
Stand alone diamond coring unit (electric powered) for hole up to 350mm diameters & to a depth of 1.5metres.
Hand dug trial pits to expose footings, utilities etc.
Water/gas well installations for long term monitoring.
SVS Surveys (soil vapour surveys) to determine gas presence before drilling on Petroleum service stations etc.
NVQ Level 2 Drillers experienced in logging to BS5930 and Eurocode 7.

Geo Environmental Engineering can undertake cable percussion drilling detailed below:
150mm and 200mm diameter boring to depths of c.50m below current ground levels.
Insitu testing to include SPT’s and CPT’s.
Insitu sampling to include geotechnical (U100) and contamination (Amber Glass Jars) related sample recovery.
Insitu Water Sampling possible (where encountered).
Rising and falling head tests.
Water/gas well installations for long term monitoring.
NVQ Level 2 Drillers experienced in logging to BS5930 and Eurocode 7.