Geo Environmental Engineering is proficient in completing detailed Phase 1: Desk Top Study Reports, comprising a standalone document suitable for submission to Governing Bodies and Financial Institutions, with a DTS generally being required as a planning condition. The DTS includes aspects such as detailed site history, geology, mining, quarrying, radon gas, hydrogeology, hydrology, flood risk and environmental sensitivity.
The DTS will include a site reconnaissance survey, investigative research with the owners and local authority, with a Conceptual Site Model (both text and graphical) assessing the site using the established Source, Pathway and Receptor pollutant linkage.
A level of risk is determined for the geotechnical properties of the underlying ground conditions and the potential contamination associated with historical and current on site and off site sources, with recommendations made where appropriate. Where practical, the DTS should be completed prior to implementing the Phase 2: Ground Investigation works to ensure that the most appropriate investigation techniques are utilised and that any potential sources (“hot spots”) of contamination are targeted.